Receiving Offers

What happens once we’ve received offers on your home?

Knowing how to properly negotiate on your behalf is essential not only to getting you the most amount of money on your home, but also negotiating the best terms for you. Once you receive offers on your home. There are a few essential components that actually need to be done prior to meeting with you to discuss the offers. We vet all the buyers by calling the agents and the lender and actually making sure the buyer is truly qualified. We verify funds and we ask crucial questions. We actually find out about how motivated and in love with your property, the buyer is. During this process, we also are getting to learn about the buyer’s agent and lender to see how much experience they have. If they properly educated the buyer and we get an idea to see how they’re going to be able to be when we work with them. The buyer’s agent is just as important to ensuring the deal will actually close. As the buyer’s qualification after vetting the buyer, their realtor and lender, then we meet with you to discuss the offer and to actually review the terms. We will give you our advice and feedback on the offers in regards to the pros and cons of each, but ultimately you make the decision as to which offer you take and what we should counter, but we advise you. We get an offer deadline date, then we actually do a counter offer to all of the offers, and we request highest and best before we even go and sit down with you. Generally, this gives us an opportunity to get the higher price for the buyer and the best terms for you so that we’re picking from the cream of the crop, so to speak. At this time, the buyers can choose to accept our terms or counter us back. You have the opportunity to choose which offers you would like to take at that time, and again, we will advise you as to the pros and the cons of each. Once we come into terms, we are now officially in escrow.

Check the video to know more essential components that needs to be done in discussing offers.

Visit my Facebook page for other detailed information!

For more information:

📲(702) 354-3262

💻[email protected]
