Las Vegas / Henderson Real Estate
Market Updates
100% Access to the local MLS
The MLS (Multiple Listing Service)
The MLS is the local database containing all of the homes for sale in our area, and has detailed records for everything about the homes on the market. Many home search sites don’t offer 100% coverage of the local real estate market because they rely on agreements with marketing partners who often do not represent everything for sale. When you sign up to get market updates, you’ll get updates direct from the source, our local MLS, so that you can feel assured you’re getting accurate, up-to-date info on the real estate market.
Get Market UpdatesPrivate Tours of the Homes You Want to See
Why Wait?
Why wait until the next open house to see the home you’ve got your eye on? By getting instant updates on the market, you can easily and quickly setup a tour of the home when you want to see it on your schedule.
Ask a QuestionSmart Offers With the Market Knowledge.
Why Pay More Than a Home Is Worth?
When you get market updates, you’ll see for yourself the changes taking place. You will see at what price homes in your neighborhood are listed, the price reductions of homes that are getting offers, and for what price homes are going under contract for. This way you can feel more comfortable knowing you’re getting a good deal you see the home that’s right for you.
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Marloni Pedrosa "Realtor"
Being a resident for more than 15 years here in Las Vegas and Henderson Nevada has taught Marloni a lot about the American Dream of owning real estate and what values best help you achieve that dream. Working in the medical field for several years has reinforced his belief that we have all been allowed of freedom to live our life the way we choose, particularly for our family. That freedom for me is fulfilled through the stewardship of providing real estate services to others so that they, too, can achieve the dream they long for their family.
He is proud to be part of the NO. 1 Mover and No. 1 Independent Brokerage in 2021 with EXP Realty. This is thanks to the extensive digital marketing training he's taken that allows him to craft innovative and effective advertising campaigns that result in the best possible offers for his home seller clients.
If you're thinking about moving to Las Vegas/Henderson Nevada, or to any of the surrounding communities, be sure to give me a call, shoot me a text, send me an email, or schedule a Zoom call. We'd love to help you make a smooth move to Las Vegas/Henderson Nevada!
Thinking of Moving to Las Vegas, Nevada?
Let Us Help!
Call or Text: 702-354-3262
Email: [email protected]
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Marloni Pedrosa Las Vegas Nevada | NV Real Estate License: S.0185467
EXP Realty
Click the logo of EXP REALTY at the bottom of this page to request a copy of Marloni Pedrosa's exclusive Property Marketing Plan.