Why would it be important having Inspections prior to actually listing your house on the market for sale?
In our area, it’s typically customary for the buyers to pay for their inspections, but where would it be advantageous for a seller to actually do them prior to going active on the market? We don’t always recommend this, but this can save you time and money. As the seller, you want to be aware of the condition of your home and the property. Termite inspections might cost a lot of money if it has not been caught firsthand. You could actually do a few things. You could sell the home as is, you could disclose the issues, or not sell at all. Or you could take what’s needed to be done and fix it. The idea behind getting inspections done prior to actually going on the market, is so that there are no unexpected surprises that could naturally hurt you later. We want the seller to be aware of any additional expenses that could possibly arise from the sale of their home.
We recommend a home inspection, a roof inspection, and a termite inspection. In most cases, if the option to pay for these upfront or when escrow closes in regards to home inspection or termite inspection, it’s actually helpful but not mandatory to make sure that all the health and safety issues were actually fixed as well as inspection on termites which includes dry rot leaks and of course termites. It helps the seller because they have much more assurance that what they will actually net is what they thought when they actually went into escrow. It also cuts down on inspection times. Having inspections done prior also protects the seller if they have a replacement property to purchase and need every single penny out of the sale to secure their close of escrow on their new purchase. Also, if there is bank financing on the property, some loan or lenders require health and safety issues, as well as home inspection work to be completed prior to going or closing escrow on the property. To wrap it up, sellers, buyers and lenders are more confident throughout the entire transaction that the home will actually close. It keeps everyone safe and sound during escrow and after close of escrow.
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📲 (702) 354-3262