How to Get Your Las Vegas/Henderson/Boulder City Home For Sale?

How to Get Your Las Vegas/Henderson/Boulder City Home For Sale?

What should I do to prepare my house for sale? What do I need to do to get my home ready for sale? Maybe nothing!

But more than likely, perhaps quite a bit. So you know, if you are looking to gather top

dollar for your home investment, you’ve got to make sure that you have your home

prepared to attract the most number of buyers to generate the highest number of

offers. So what do you need to do to prepare your house?

Number one is Repairs! You’ve got to make sure that your house does not look like it’s in

disrepair, because if a buyer comes into your house and you have cracks in your

ceilings, or you’ve got stains on the carpet, it automatically makes them think that

you didn’t take care of your house. Well, it’s funny, a little crack in the wall and they

think there’s a crack foundation, so make sure that you go through your home

with your real estate professional and a fine tooth comb and make sure that you

complete all of the repairs required to make your home really shine.

Next is Staging! It is really critical to stage your house in a way to where a home buyer

can walk in and say oh, I could just move right in, and this is really important because

most home buyers don’t have the imagination to be able to place their furniture

throughout the house. So you have got to do that for them, so staging is a critical aspect of making sure that your home is prepared.

Third is that you’ve got to make sure that any sort of cosmetic changes

anything that you need to alter to the house, like maybe paint touchup or perhaps painting the entire house. It should be done well in advance and this is really, really critical from

the front yard, because as soon as a buyer drives up to the home, they’re

automatically going to have a snap judgment about that house. So you’ve got to make

sure that your street appeal is spot on and that means landscaping , hardscaping,

clean windows, nice fresh paint and make sure that as soon as they walk up to the

front entry, they are welcome to the house and it feels like they could move in.

I read a statistic that curb appeal factors in about up to 15% of the homes total price

when it comes to selling the home, so that’s a very important and critical thing to

really consider and making maybe even a small investment to making sure the curb

appeal attracts the right folks.

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