5 Reasons Home Sales Fall Through in Las Vegas Nevada

5 reasons Home sales Falls through:

  1. Buyer financing woes

Today, buyer financing trouble is among the biggest sale killers.

  1. Low appraisals

A buyerʼs lender will only lend up to the value of the property, so if the home value appraises lower than the agreed amount, the buyer cannot secure the full mortgage.

  1. Plan for title insurance and home inspection surprises

The purpose of title insurance is to ensure the ownerʼs home is fully theirs to sell.

  1. Watch for signs of buyerʼs remorse

Unfortunately, there is little sellers can do to eliminate buyerʼs remorse, but they can be on guard for buyers who seem especially anxious or hesitant about negotiating a deal. When you have the option, favor more enthusiastic, confident buyers.

  1. Donʼt hinge a deal on the buyerʼs home sale

Many buyers need the equity in their current home to purchase a new one, and if your buyerʼs home sale falls through, your home sale could fall through too. However, avoiding this pitfall is easy: Donʼt allow the sale of a buyerʼs home as a contract contingency. Instead, target buyers who have already sold their home, or who arenʼt relying on the equity in their current home to help finance yours.

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