5 Steps For Buying and Selling at the Same Time

Looking to sell your home this year and move into a new one?

Here are 5 Steps for Buying and Selling at the Same Time To feel confident about tackling these two huge tasks in a tight turnaround, follow these steps:

  1. Plan Your Schedule

– Whatʼs my ideal timeline?

– Whatʼs my budget?

– Can I make the transition at once?

  1. Prepare Your Home for the Market

-Hire a Home Inspector

-Set the Stage

-Price It Right

  1. Sell Your Home
  2. Fill the Gap Between Selling and Buying
  3. Buy Your Next Home

Congrats! You sold your old home. Now youʼre ready to follow some steps on how to buy a house. First, find a buyerʼs agent, or use the same real savings, the profit on the sale of your home, or both. If you canʼt buy with 100% cash, get pre-approved for your mortgage to avoid unexpected surprises that could delay your tight timeline.

Use our mortgage calculator to enter your downpayment amount and try out different home prices within your budget. From there the steps are pretty straightforward:

– Go house hunting

– Submit an offer

– Get a home inspection

– Close on your house!

Please visit my Facebook page for other detailed information! https://fb.watch/fms-A8SjE2/

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