How to Fill the Gap Between When You’re Buying and Selling Your Home at the Same Time

How to fill the gap between when you’re buying and selling your home at the same time

Here are some ideas:

-Alert everyone you know

Know that youʼre looking for a rental.

-Rent-Back Agreement

The buyer of your home agrees to allow you to stay in your home for a period of time (60–90 days) after the sale is final. In exchange, you allow for a lower selling price or rent paid to the buyers.

-Contract Contingency

This is when you make an offer on your new home that states your purchase is contingent (or dependent) on the sale of your current home.

Bad Options to Avoid:

Donʼt be fooled by options your lender may offer to “help” you cover the financial challenges of buying and selling a home at the same time.

These are loans that simply multiply your risks:

– Bridge loan: A bridge loan allows you to tap into the equity of your current home to pay the down payment on your new home. Itʼs basically a short-term loan that has to be repaid quickly.

– HELOC: This loan also gives you access to your homeʼs equity so you can use it on the down payment of your next home. But the HELOC (Home Equity Line of Credit)is dangerous because it usually comes with call provisions.

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