Pre-Marketing for More Dollars

Timelines when listing a home.

When we need to get the home ready for sale, you want to make sure that you’re careful not just to slap it on the MLS or the Multiple Listing Service prior to actually having it in “show ready condition”. This will give you an idea of a few things that you need to think about prior to actually letting buyers go into your home, that will give you a contract to sign once we have an executed contract. We will then schedule an appointment with our stager to come over and actually give you a recommendation

on what exactly you need to do to enhance the appearance of your home, to actually

get the maximum return on the investment. And don’t worry, there’s no additional

cost to you for this service, but it’s essential because research shows the importance

of staging in relation to the amount of money that you will get on your home as well

as how quickly your home will sell. We offer free staging consultation of your home.

Once the home is in show ready condition then we will then schedule our professional photographer and videographer, depending on the type of home, to come to the home to capitalize on all the unique features of the home.

Once we have the pictures and the videos, we will then work on all the back end

digital marketing so we can expose your home to the masses. This is one of the most important parts of getting you the most amount of money for your home. We don’t just put up a sign and stick it on the MLS. It’s much more detailed than that. This involves running highly targeted ad campaigns across multiple social media platforms. Please note by just posting your home on a Facebook page or on a

business page, only about 3% of people are actually seeing it. So we properly expose

your home across multiple social media platforms. Now that we’re live, you can actually expect agency calling you to take their clients through the homes so they can see it. Depending on the time of year and the market conditions, that will determine how long it will take for your home to sell.

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