The 3 BIGGEST Mistakes Sellers Make

The 3 BIGGEST Mistakes Sellers Make

The point of this video is to discuss sellers what major mistakes they make. In fact , the top three mistakes that sellers make.

So let’s talk about the old way of selling real estate. We’ve been in real

estate, selling real estate for a long time and back in the old days of selling real estate.

You know, we got away with a lot of stuff that we couldn’t get away with now.

Back then, we operated under a 3P rule when selling a house.

Number one is we Put a sign in the yard. We Put the home in the MLS and then we

Pray that the house sells. Well guess what?! That doesn’t work anymore. Now we have

to operate under the three new Pʼs, and that is:

Price- making sure that you have a really strong pricing strategy.

Preparation- Preparing your home for sale and making sure that it is really enticing to


Promotion- making sure that you hire the most technologically savvy real estate firm to make sure that your home gets in front of the biggest number of buyers possible.

So let’s start and look at the first reason: Price- Many sellers want a price at the

top of the market and then the house sits. We call that overpricing.

That’s the number one biggest mistake we see in the market, is you wanna price your

house up just above market value or maybe way above market value to get wiggle

room to negotiate. That’s actually the worst thing that you could do.

Number two is Preparation. You can start getting your house ready, get the

flowerbeds cleaned up, get the yard all cleaned up, get your backyard spruced up.

Now is the time to prepare your house. But you need to prepare it with professionals

and professional advice. So preparation is making sure all maintenance issues are taken care of, making sure that any sort of painting touch up, fresh up needs to happen and making sure that your house is staged professionally so when buyers walk into the home, all they could say is Wow!

People just throw their house on the market because they just wanna get it sold now.

So whatʼs the third one? And now that you’ve got everything ready, how are you

going to promote your property? You need the most technologically savvy forward

thinking real estate firm around you with professionals who know what they’re doing

to promote your home. Where? Online.

When you are ready to go sell your house, number one you need to prepare your

house with professionals. You need to have a really strong pricing strategy. And you

need to hire a professional firm to go promote your home online where the buyers


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